Top Woodworking Tools For Beginners

woodworking tools for beginners

As a beginner woodworker, you need to know what tools are necessary to start with and what tools are not. I wanted to share with you what I think are the essential tools for a woodworking beginner. These are basic tools that every beginner woodworker needs. There are no large, expensive tools listed because if you are just starting out woodworking, you may not have the budget for those tools. You can build amazing projects using basic starter tools. I am proof of that. Let me encourage you to put yourself out there and make amazing projects using basic woodworking tools. II started with borrowed tools and worked my way up to the tools that I have today. I was blessed with support from family members and the community that has purchased my woodworking projects. Here are the tools I recommend if you want to start making the type of projects that I have built to date.

Here is a link to the tools I recommend:

Cordless Tool combo kits are an excellent way to start to save money while getting multiple tools. I recommend getting a kit with a drill, impact and circular saw. Or a drill and impact set. If you can afford the other tools and see a need for them, it’s a great way to stock the shop with multiple tools in one kit. Check them out here:

Let’s get into the list of tools I think a beginning woodworker should have.

1. Circular Saw: Gotta cut that wood! You need a saw. I don’t have a specific brand to recommend because I use this one below. If I was buying one, I’d look at a Skil or DeWalt.

circular saw

Check out the video below to see the top woodworking tools for beginners:

2. Drill/Impact. A combo set is the way to go! You don’t want to have to switch out bits every time. Get a combo set and save yourself the headache!

drill and impact combo

3. Tape Measure. Use the same one for the project. Don’t mix tapes or your measurements might be mixed.

Tape Measure

4. Clamps. Got to hold things in place! Get some!


5. Squares. Without them, you’ll be all jacked up!

square for woodworking beginners

6. Wood Glue will make your projects stick! Get some!

basic woodworking supplies

7. Pocket Hole Jig is the most used tool in my shop. I love pocket hole joinery and encourage others to use it too! It makes woodworking so approachable!

pocket hole jig for beginners

8. safety glasses! Save the eyeballs!

glasses for woodworking.jpg
basic woodworking tools

Disclaimer: affiliate links are used in this description and they help support this channel. By clicking on the links and purchasing items through Amazon, provides me a very small commission but cost you nothing extra. It is a great way to support small creators like me. I appreciate the support more than you know! Working with wood and power tools is inherently dangerous. Anyone using any of the tools or supplies used in these videos are personally responsible for learning the proper techniques involved, and he or she assumes all risks and accepts complete responsibility for any and all damages and injury of any kind. Before using any hand or power tool with which you are unfamiliar, consult its operating instructions, and if necessary, seek instruction by a qualified person well versed in its operation and appropriate safety techniques. 731 Woodworks is intended for entertainment purposes only. There are no warranties implied and your results may differ from ours. You should NOT rely solely upon the information and techniques discussed and displayed in these videos. Rather, you should fully research each technique and decide for yourself what is the safest possible work method for you. #woodworking #beginner #731woodworks

Don’t forget about the sander! Every woodworker needs a way to smooth the wood for that perfect finish!

tools to start woodworking