DIY Plywood Shelves using Pocket Holes

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DIY plywood shelves using plywood. In this video tutorial, I will show you how to build simple plywood shelf using a kreg jig for pocket hole joinery. This is such a fast easy project for making your own shelves. The skill level required to make these shelves would be for a beginner. This is a great beginner woodworker project. I am using 3/4" sanded birch plywood to build these shelves. Using 3/4" plywood makes a strong shelf that will last a long time. Pocket hole joinery with the Kreg K5 makes a strong joint as well. Give this project a try and let me know what you think!

Tools and supplies used in this build:

Kreg K5 Pocket Hole Jig:

Kreg Rip Cut:

Kreg 1 1/4" screws:

Titebond II Wood Glue:

120 Grit Sand Paper:

3/4" sanded birch plywood:

Other tools and supplies I recommend and use:

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